FRIDAY 26 April 2002
Newman House, St Stephen´s Green, Dublin 2
"WERRC has pleasure in inviting you to attend a conference focussing on new perspectives in Irish women´s poetry, bringing together Irish and international scholars, and Irish women musicians and poets.
The conference, which is co-sponsored by POETRY IRELAND, will take place on Friday 26 April 2002 in Newman House on St Stephen´s Green. Registration fee:
€17 / €10 (concessions), including tea, coffee and wine reception. You can register on the day of the conference, or beforehand by contacting Jennifer
Morawiecki on 01-716 8571 or by e-mail "
Ailbhe Smyth Director, Women´s Education, Research and Resource Centre University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland Tel 00 353 1 716 8571 Fax 00 353 1
716 1195 e-mail website
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